Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Publishing Update!

This month marks stage 2 of the production process, Developmental Editing. So far so good - nothing major is required on my part editing wise until next week or so. If everything goes as planned, Take the Breath Out of Me is still set to release for author distribution about February - public release around late April-May. The option to order TTBOOM will not be open until Feb and all proceeds will go to either funding book signing tours, OR- publishing my next novel The Protectors which I hope to submit as early as April-May of 2013 depending on finances. :)

Thank you so much for taking time to learn more about me and my works

Arial Alexis ~ Take the Breath Out of Me

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Production for Take the Breath Out of Me is set to begin in only 25 days. The full process ranges in time, but should take no longer than June of 2013 to get TTBOOM on your shelves. Over 5,000 new books are published every month so be sure to request it at your local Barnes and Noble or other retailer once it is released.